This page explains the terms of use.
(Sample images of items for sale are not covered by these Terms of Use.)
Illustration resolution is 2048 x 1152 pixel (16:9). Some illustrations are 3072 x 2043 pixel (4:3).
Terms of Use
- Anyone can use it, both individuals and corporations.
- Royalty-free. You may use as many images as you wish, free of charge, for both commercial and non-commercial use.
- No prior or subsequent notification or credit is required.
- As long as you do not violate any prohibitions, you are free to edit or trace without restrictions, including adult-oriented works.
- You may redistribute or sell your work using the materials, as long as you do not use the unedited materials as your main product. (Redistribution and sales are allowed as long as the material is used as an accessory to the main content (e.g., using the material as a background, creating a secondary work combining illustrations, distributing unprocessed TRPG data, etc.).
- Illustration materials can be printed for distribution and sale. (It is possible to use the illustration as wallpaper of a house, sell it as a rental property, and distribute it by printing it on pamphlets, business cards, etc.)
<Examples of acceptable use>
Games, applications, websites, blogs, books, posters, business cards, pamphlets, flyers, printed materials, video materials, templates, demo screens and other images, presentation materials, logos, designs, SNS, etc.
- You may not use the material to link directly to it.
- You may not use antisocial content that may violate laws such as crimes, harm people, spread misinformation, or target people in vulnerable positions.
- You may not use unedited material itself for redistribution as free material, nor may you provide it to stock photo services.
- This site shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or dispute with any third party resulting from the use of the materials provided.
- Illustrations generated in the past are subject to change or deletion without notice. It is possible to continue to use materials that have been changed or deleted.
- The Management reserves the right to change the Terms of Use to the extent necessary. Any changes to the Terms of Use shall become effective at the time they are posted on this site.
October 8, 2022
Revised: January 9, 2023
Main changes
Clarification that illustration materials may be printed for distribution and sale.